Author: Devin Mendelson

All Ages of Star Wars #3: Han Solo’s Hitlerian Cousin & Human Supremacy

DISCLAIMER: Article originally posted here at All Ages of Geek on August 8th, 2020. Some Spoilers For Star Wars: Ambush at Corellia (Corellian Trilogy – Book 1) Two Galaxies, One Issue. Our galaxy isn’t alone in dealing with racial tensions. I just finished reading Showdown At Centerpoint, the third and final novel of the Corellian Trilogy. I was surprised by…

All Ages of Star Wars #1: The Clone Wars Finale Secret Cameos and Why Prince Xizor Should Be Brought Back Into Canon

DISCLAIMER: Article originally posted here at All Ages of Geek on June 16th, 2020. Contains Minor Spoilers For Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars: Dark Disciple (2015 novel) The Siege of Mandalore story arc marks the end of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and many fans of the show are left wondering what will become…